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Lifting of Lockdown Restrictions – Summer 2021

Writer's picture: Revd Andy SmithRevd Andy Smith

Dear Church Family,

As you will all be aware, the government removed all legal restrictions relating to the most recent Covid-19 lockdown in England. For many of us this is most welcome news, as we are now able to enjoy socialising and communal gatherings once more. I do realise that for some, the worry and difficulties relating to the pandemic are far from gone, and that the current prevalence of Covid cases in the area may be concerning.

With all this in mind, we have put the following arrangements in place to try and best allow for some freedom in worship without putting those without vaccinations at risk:

· Congregational singing is now permitted.

· Social distancing is no longer required but should still be used if possible.

· If social distancing (1 metre +) is not possible, then masks should still be worn during the service.

· We encourage you to sign in as you enter the church buildings either on the notepad provided, or by using the NHS Covid-19 app on your phone.

· We encourage you to wear a mask when moving around the church buildings.

· We encourage you to use hand gel/washing as you come into the church buildings and before you receive Holy Communion.

· Please follow the directions given by the Priest and Sides-people as Holy Communion is distributed.

· The chalice will not be permitted until September – we still need to work out the best possible way to administer wine at Holy Communion.

· Children’s Church provision continue using the tables in St Peter’s hall – we will review this for September.

· The 9.30am service at St Peter’s will continue to be livestreamed on our Facebook page.

We would please ask you to be considerate to others during this time of transition – putting others needs first is a high Christian calling and our love for others should be our calling card!

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:35

We hope and pray that we don’t have anyone infected during the coming months and that these guidelines can be relaxed further. We will inform you of any changes as the situation develops and I look forward to seeing more of you in person over the coming weeks.

Summer Holidays

During August, we have decided not to write the weekly letters as we have been doing for the last 19 months. The “normal” notice sheet will be making a return along, with the full set of readings for each Sunday from next week. This will still be sent out to everyone using the regular channels.

We will also be taking a break from online Morning Prayer during August. This will resume on Tuesday 7th September at 9am. Don’t worry – we will still be praying for you and the parish throughout August and encourage you to do so too! Please send any prayer requests to me or to the Pastoral Team via Tino To.

The 9.30am Sunday service will continue to be streamed on Facebook throughout August.

The evening service (C.E.W) will return at 7pm on Sunday 5th September in St Peter’s.

John Patterson

John recently stepped down as a Licensed Lay Minister after 25 years+ of ministry. We are glad to announce that the lunch to thank John for his years of service will take place on Sunday 29th August at 1pm in the hall at St Peter’s. All are welcome to attend but please book in! Contact Dawn in the office to do so: or 01277 262864.

A New Rector?!

For those of you who didn’t know, I am being installed as the Rector of the parish at 6pm on Sunday evening. Archdeacon Elizabeth is coming to All Saints to “sit me in my stall”, preach and con-celebrate the Eucharist with me. This is a happy occasion for me and the parish, as I am no longer just the “Priest-in-Charge”. It gives an opportunity to celebrate what we have achieved in the last 4 years but, more importantly, lets us look forward to our continuing mission and service to the parish for the years to come. Thanks be to God.

We have sent out invitations to the regulars at All Saints, PCC, ministers, committee members etc as we are still exercising caution over Covid-19. If this list doesn’t include you, I would value your prayers and thank you for your understanding given the situation.

Have a wonderful summer. With every blessing,

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