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Hutton Parish Newsletter - Trinity 7: 23rd July 2023

Writer's picture: Revd Andy SmithRevd Andy Smith

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Continuing with publishing a blog post each week for the Sunday services please see details below.

As previously mentioned this is to improve both our comms and environmental impact, we hope to carry on with a small weekly update that includes the notice sheet into your inbox ahead of the Sunday service. Ideally, as many of you as possible will be happy to receive your pew sheet in this form and we can save on printing and paper costs/use in the coming months. Of course, we will still provide printed sheets for those in the parish who require them and rely on them being delivered to them each week.

Sunday Morning:

Our readings for the 7th Sunday after Trinity are:

Collect Prayer:

Lord of all power and might,

the author and giver of all good things:

graft in our hearts the love of your name,

increase in us true religion,

nourish us with all goodness,

and of your great mercy keep us in the same;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.

Post Communion Prayer:

Lord God, whose Son is the true vine and the source of life,

ever giving himself that the world may live:

may we so receive within ourselves

the power of his death and passion

that, in his saving cup,

we may share his glory and be made perfect in his love;

for he is alive and reigns, now and for ever.

Upcoming Dates

This week:

Sunday23rd July – Seventh After Trinity

Holy Communion will be live-streamed at 9.30am from St Peter’s on

9.30am: St. Peter’s Holy Communion

11.15am: All Saints’ Holy Communion

This week:

Monday - Saturday

10.00 -12 midday

Food Collection at St Peter’s

Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

9.00am Morning Prayer on Facebook

Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

9.30-12.30 Daily Bread Café


9.30am Holy Communion at All Saints’

2.00pm Quiet Prayer & Meditation in the Chapel.


9.00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Next Sunday:

30th July – Eighth After Trinity

9.30am Holy Communion at St. Peter’s

11.15am Holy Communion at All Saints’



Our Summer Praise on Sunday 16th July was the final CEW Service. This service and time slot has been a wonderful opportunity to explore contemporary sung worship, particularly through the early months after the lockdowns eased. But it is time for a change after 3 years as we continue to seek God's direction for us as a parish and gather for worship in new ways. We will continue to host seasonal contemporary worship spaces at Advent, Easter and other times.

Watch this space for further details of next steps and opportunities in the Autumn.

[Rev Deacon] Alice Smith

Hutton Parish


Food Hub

Our food hub shelves are looking rather empty at the moment.

Any contributions of non-perishable foods would be very greatly appreciated.

There is a trolley available for donations.

Thank you.

With every blessing,

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