Dear Church Family,
It’s a delight to be back from the summer with a renewed sense of anticipation and excitement for the new term and coming year.
Today is especially joyful as it is the day that our very own Lisa Whymark is to be ordained in Chelmsford Cathedral. The culmination of 3 years of at theological college, and a good many years before exploring the call to ordained ministry, this is a glorious occasion for Lisa and her family and for Hutton Parish. Let’s give thanks to God for his goodness and grace!
Diocese of Chelmsford Deacons 2021
Today is also a starting point for Lisa as she begins her life as an ordained minister in the church. We hope and pray that her ministry among us will bear much fruit as the Good News of Jesus is proclaimed in the parish and beyond. Congratulations Reverend Lisa!
Reverend Lisa Whymark
You can join in with Lisa’s celebrations both today and tomorrow. Firstly, the ordination service will be streamed on the Chelmsford Cathedral YouTube page at 5pm. You can watch this at home or join others at St Peter’s as we broadcast the service on a large screen in the church.
Secondly, you can join me and Lisa at 9.30am tomorrow for our Parish Eucharist. Lisa will be helping to lead the service and will be serving as Deacon throughout. Then at 11am, we will be hosting a reception in the church hall, serving hot drinks, fizz, wine and homemade cakes. All are welcome!
The parish quiet day is booked at All Saints on Tuesday 21st September from 9.30am. Bring your own lunch. Please let Chris Thomas know you are attending: or 01277 210862.
Please also remember to book your free tickets for the Music Concert on Saturday 25th September via the website –
The evening is being held to thank the 200+ volunteers who have served Daily Bread during the last 18 months.
And finally, remember to email me ( if you would like to reserve your seat for the Harvest Supper Pie and Mash Quiz Night on Saturday 2nd October. £10 per ticket – around 20 tickets remaining!
Do note that Dawn is on holiday until the 27th September, so please be in touch with me directly if you need anything parish related.
This week's pew-sheet can be downloaded here:
With every blessing,