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APCM - review of 2019

Writer: Revd Andy SmithRevd Andy Smith

Dear Church Family,

I do hope you are all managing to deal with this next stage of the government’s restrictions on our societal freedoms. Last week’s announcement didn’t change too much in our part of the UK, but we must acknowledge that extra caution is needed and that we may face further challenges in the coming weeks. It’s also good to note that some things never change. As I write this letter, Hutton All Saints School is currently closed – not because of Coronavirus but because the water main on Coram Green has burst again! Predicably the main will be repaired but I’m confident it will burst again in the next 12 months – at least my son is happy he has an extra day off.

This Sunday will see the Annual Parochial Church Meeting take place at St Peter’s immediately after the 9.30 am service. Unlike the last 2 years, we will keep the meeting brief, with minimal reporting being shared. A copy of the report will be available to those who would like to receive it. Please email or ring the Parish Office if you would like a copy.

I am looking forward to electing new PCC members and Church Wardens and hope some of you will stay for the meeting.

Parish Giving

I would also ask that we all review our financial support of the parish at this transitional time. 2020 has been a surprising time of blessing and provision, not least because of the work we have been doing in providing food support to so many through Hutton Hub and The Daily Bread Café. We are aware that this additional funding will not last forever and there are going to be some lean years ahead for lots of people and businesses. If we want to keep serving our community, as we believe God is calling us to do, then we will need as much financial support as possible. We have lost around £10,000 in hall rental income this year and we have had to purchase new equipment to make sure we are able to broadcast our services and prayer meetings online. Although we are in a good financial condition at the moment, because of the superb work done by the Finance Committee and the generous giving from so many of you, it is important we remain focussed and dedicated to meeting our financial commitments.

Can I ask that you assess if you are able to give regularly to the parish? If you already give a monthly amount, please will you review if you are able to give a little more, or perhaps reduce the amount you give if things are tight at the moment? To make this as easy as possible, we now have a contactless card reader at St Peter’s, and we are still taking in cash donations. However, the easiest way to give to the parish is by setting up a monthly Standing Order.

The church’s account details are:

All Saints PCC

Account: 90512184

Sort Code: 20-12-21

If you are a UK taxpayer then please do fill in a Gift Aid form and we can claim an extra 25% on top of your gift from the government, at no extra cost to you. Please return these forms to the Parish Office. Thank you for your continued support. For more information click here:

Our upcoming “special” service dates are:

Harvest - Sunday 11th October

St Peter’s 9.30 am: Live Streamed Holy Communion

All Saints’ 11.15 am: Morning Prayer

We are collecting for Christian Aid and The Daily Bread Café. Donation envelopes are available from the office.

All Saints Day - Sunday 1st November

St Peter’s 9.30 am: Live Streamed Holy Communion Patronal Festival

All Saints’ 11.15 am: Holy Communion Patronal Festival

6 pm – Virtual Memorial Service on Facebook Live. If you would like the name of a departed loved one read out at this service, please contact the Parish Office.

Remembrance Sunday – Sunday 8th November

St Peter’s 10.45 am: Live Streamed Morning Worship with 2 minutes silence.

All Saints’ 10:45 am: Holy Communion with 2 minutes silence.

As ever, please do get in touch If there is anything I, or the leadership team, can help with.

With every blessing,

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