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An Invitation...

Writer's picture: Revd Andy SmithRevd Andy Smith

Dear Church Family,

The two passages we will read this Sunday help us to parallel another appearance of the risen Christ with the experiences of the early church in the book of Acts. What we read about Jesus doing in Luke 24, we then see the disciples (mainly Peter) living out in Acts 3.

So, what happens? Well, in the Luke text, Jesus appears to his friends which seems to startle them somewhat. He then invites them to touch his wounds, share some food before he explains the scriptures to them before sending them out in His name. In other words, the end of Jesus' ministry is the beginning of the disciple’s ministry. To understand this better, it is helpful for us to remember what Jesus did at the very start of his ministry. In Luke 3, we read about John the Baptist preaching and baptising people as a way of offering “repentance for the forgiveness of sins”. This verse is repeated in our Gospel passage (Luke 24 v47). We have come full circle – it’s time for the disciples to take on the mantle Jesus offers. We can find that missional charge in Luke 4, where Jesus comes out of the wilderness and reads the passage from Isaiah in the temple:

“The spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon me because he has appointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release for the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free.” Luke 4 v18-19

At the time people were probably wondering what on earth Jesus was talking about but in the light of the resurrection it is now very clear – and Jesus has explained it to those who will carry on “bringing good news to the poor.” His message is to repent and believe.

In Acts 3, Peter has just healed and man and then begins to challenge the crowd as they wonder what has just happened. He reminds them that he cannot do this in his own power – it has been done through Jesus! It is a chance to repent. Peter then explains the scriptures and shows those listening how they point to Jesus as the Christ. He uses Old Testament imagery and references, even linking Jesus to the very name of God, “I Am.” He is offering a chance to think again – to believe through faith in Jesus.

In Luke 24, Jesus appears to his disciples and calls them out of their locked room – he calls them out into mission – into action. He calls them to repent & believe. They can do this because they finally understand who Jesus is. Peter makes this clear as he preaches to the people in the temple in Acts 3 just a few weeks later. The difference between the group of doubters in the locked room and the same group who are healing people and declaring their faith in Jesus is the power of the Holy Spirit, breathed onto the disciples by Christ himself.

How might we allow ourselves some time to come to Christ this week? Where might we need to change our thinking or even our actions? How might we repent and believe (again)?

Christian Aid Week

We will be supporting Christian Aid Week this year from the 10th-16th May. Gift envelopes have been ordered and will be distributed soon. This year’s appeal focuses on the Climate Emergency and the disproportionate effect it has on the developing world.

We’re hoping some of you might try and host a coffee morning for you and 5 friends in your garden and you can join me for a Fundraising Quiz Night on Zoom on Saturday 15th May at 7pm - if you haven’t had enough of online quizzes in the last year!

We will finish off the week with special Eucharist services on Sunday 16th May, with our soon-to-be parish curate Lisa Whymark preaching.

Sign-up details for coffee mornings, prayer meetings and the quiz will be available soon. You can find out more about the appeal on the Christian Aid website -

Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)

Due to current Covid restrictions, we have had to put the APCM back to Sunday 23rd May 2021, in order that we can meet in person. We haven’t quite decided on a time for the meeting yet, so please keep an eye out for that this coming week. The APCM is an opportunity for anyone on the electoral roll to vote in new PCC members and Church Wardens, to ask questions pertaining to areas of parish life and ministry, and to hear what the vision for the church is in the coming year. For these reasons, we felt it was vital to have people in the building when the meeting happens, although the meeting will also be streamed onto our Zoom platform for anyone who wants to join in from home.

This also means that the original date for the APCM (25th April) will now return to being a “regular” Sunday with services at both St Peter’s and All Saints’ – 9.30am and 11.15am respectively.

Hutton Parish Link

The Easter edition of Hutton Parish Link is now available for you to download and share with others. Simply go to Some paper copies are also available.

Regular Worship

You now join us in church for worship on the following days:

Sundays – 9.30am at St Peter’s, 11.15am at All Saints.

Wednesdays – 9.30am at All Saints

Contemporary Evening Worship (CEW) on the 1st Sunday of the month at St Peter’s starting at 7pm.

You can also join us on Facebook for our Sunday Eucharist at 9.30am and for Morning Prayer at 9am, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Go to to join in. Please note that Evening Prayer on Thursday is no longer live-streamed.

You can download this week's pew sheet here:

With every blessing,

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