We warmly invite you to come to your Community Kitchen if you could use a little help in providing for yourself or your family the delicious, nutritious food that everyone deserves
Fresh ingredients * Satisfying snacks
* Prepared meals FREE to pick up

We are not a food bank so we do not ask for proof of peoples circumstances, nor do we judge by appearances or first impressions. We operate on a system of trust and we know our regular customers well, and we hope that our relationships with them prevent abuse of the service that we provide.
We are seeing an increase in the number of people finding themselves at crisis point and needing food and other items urgently. We want to be fair to everyone, so depending on the amount of food that we have been donated (and this varies a great deal), we may at times have to limit the amount of food that we give out to ensure that it goes to those most in need.
The Food Ministry and Daily Bread cafe runs on donations and volunteers, either of which could change at any moment in time, so we cannot be relied upon for a weekly supply of food indefinitely. We kindly ask that people only take donations when needed and only if you can use them, as our mission is as much about reducing landfill as it is helping those who are struggling.
Our team will always act with respect, and without judgement of everyone we come into contact with. We kindly ask that you treat each other and our volunteers in the same manner.
If you are in need of food, if and when available, please contact us via email, Facebook, or pop into the cafe and speak to our volunteers.

The Daily Bread cafe was established in September 2018 by a group of volunteers from Hutton.
It came about after a series of successful ‘drop in’ days organised by St Peter’s church during the school closures in late 2017 and beginning of 2018. We experienced a large amount of snow fall and a water leak at the school. St Peter’s church was opened on these days to provide a place for people to come and have a hot meal, particularly for those whose children would normally have a free school meal, so that families did not have to worry about the extra unexpected expense on those days.
Some of the food came from the local school, and bread and cake items came from local supermarkets. The days were really popular with local families so when an opportunity came up to receive surplus food from the local M&S store on a daily basis, the food ministry was born and so was the Daily Bread pop-up cafe!